Mayor Bowser established the Mayor’s Office of Talent and Appointments (MOTA) to conduct aggressive outreach and engagement to identify energetic community and business professionals to fill critical appointed roles in District government. This included members of the Mayor’s Cabinet, Agency Directors, and special staff positions as excepted service appointees.
Below are the Executive and Excepted Service* positions currently being recruited by MOTA:
Director - Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA)
Director - Department of Human Services (DHS)
Executive Director - Mayor's Office on African-American Affairs (MOAAA)
Director - Mayor's Office of the Clean City (MOCC)
Executive Director - Mayor's Office of Religious Affairs (MORA)
We currently do not have any open postings.
Director of Communications and Outreach - Deputy Mayor for Education (DME)
Correspondence Management Specialist - Mayor's Correspondence Unit (MCU)
Language Access Monitor - Mayor's Office on Latino Affairs (MOLA)
Public Information Officer - Mayor's Office on Latino Affairs (MOLA)
Workforce Specialist - Mayor's Office of LGBTQ Affairs (MOLQBTQA)
Peer Navigation Supervisor - Mayor's Office on Returning Citizen Affairs (MORCA)
Reentry Case Manager, Mayor's Office on Returning Citizen's Affairs (MORCA)
Grants Management Specialist - Mayor's Office of Volunteerism and Partnerships (Serve DC)
Be Part of DC's Comeback - Join the MOTA Talent Bank
*Executive and Excepted Service employees serve in an “at-will” capacity and are eligible for the District of Columbia Government’s employee benefits programs, including paid leave. Executive Service employees utilize the universal leave system while Excepted Service employees can earn and accrue leave.
Those serving in Executive and Excepted Service positions serve at the pleasure of the Mayor (or the appointing authority) and are subject to the residency requirement. Under the residency requirement, appointees must either be a District resident at the time of their appointment or become a District resident within 180 days of their appointment date (start date). They must also maintain residency in the District for the duration of their service.
Executive and Excepted Service are distinct types of employment within District Government. Please note, Executive and Excepted Service are different from Career Service, Educational Service, Legal Service and Management Supervisory Service positions. For Career, Educational, Legal and Management Supervisory Service positions, please visit the Department of Human Resources (DCHR) careers opportunities website (